Client Success Stories


This is Miriam. 

Client success happens because of the work of the client. I am not responsible for what happens after we speak.

I have worked exclusively since 2013 with private coaching clients on all aspects of their lives.

While working with them, I was also writing prolifically. I loved writing so much that I decided to shift my focus for the sake of women who love writing. My ease and love of the writing process is something I want to share. These client stories will tell you a lot about working with me. But frankly, nothing happens unless the client is committed to the changes they seek. If they were successful, it was all about them.

The way I coached in 2013 and the way I coach in 2020 is different. 

Over the years, I have been appreciating a new gentleness in my approach and a new respect for the tender-heartedness of each one of us. My clients show me what works and what doesn’t.  I strive for love, kindness and compassion and as a human being, I fail daily. That alone has humbled and softened me. 

With writing as the new focus, I am only pointing to what’s already inside and easy to access. 



Life was passing me by without my consent. I wasn’t an active participant. Each day was going in its own direction and I was feeling lost, unfulfilled and unhappy.

~ Joanne Tough, Speaker Series Leader

Before I began coaching, my relationship with myself was unstudied. I hadn’t thought much about what drove me, what I truly wanted for my life, what things were holding me back… nothing. I was just existing in the moment and letting life happen to me and letting events push me in whatever direction came up.

What brought me to coaching was the feeling that life was passing me by without my consent. I wasn’t an active participant in the direction each day was taking and I was feeling lost and unfulfilled and unhappy.

Prior to starting coaching, I was concerned that coaching was going to be “flaky”. I didn’t want to discuss my astrological sign or my blood type as some way of directing me. I wanted a thoughtful, educated, evidence-based experience, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to trust the process. Read More

Overall, my 6-month coaching experience went like this: excited anticipation, motivated questioning, stubborn resistance, irritated incomprehension, slow slogging, imperceptible shifting, quiet awakening, tentative confidence… and the journey continues!!! At the tentative confidence stage, I really appreciated the push you gave me to take action and to learn from the results. I also loved the help with understanding what “success” means to me.

Everything was helpful, but what was most impactful was our weekly sessions. The push to “choose to be disciplined” about doing the pre/post session trackers was very beneficial. The most important work came from a shift in perspective and the internal searching that needed to be done, so although the materials were applicable, it was the weekly discussion that seemed to awaken something inside me. For me, identifying my own role in my future was a huge shift. Before coaching, I was oblivious to my own choices – I didn’t know how to ask the questions, make decisions, get started, etc. I was unaware of the responsibility I have for my own life and future.I want to share my gratitude for your steady hand and considered and thoughtful approach to helping me find my own way.


You must be ready to work, have an open mind, let yourself stop and let go. Change is internal work.

~Ronnalea Hamman, Provincial Project Manager, Health Care

When I began coaching with Miriam, I was frustrated and stagnant in my job and career. I had started a new job and I still felt the same. It became clear that something needed to change.

Although it was a big investment, our initial conversation was lengthy and transparent and reassured me that it was going to be a worthy journey. We both knew I was ready.   Read More

Among other unexpected surprises, Miriam used relaxation, meditation, and journaling techniques with me. I got in touch with parts of myself – other than my very overactive mind – and even discovered that I had been ignoring my body’s messages. It had valuable information for me.

By quieting my mind, I could detach from situations at work and in my personal life. I noticed automatic reactions and chose appropriate responses. This resulted in a greater sense of control and confidence.

I would recommend Miriam to most women I know. Though I came with a career struggle, I found that patterns showed up in all areas.  Her holistic approach revealed the connection in marriage, motherhood, personal health and habits.

Miriam said some things in our initial conversation that made me believe that she was going to be completely honest. I wanted that. One of the principles she taught was gentleness. I was encouraged to apply it especially toward myself. If I wasn’t forthcoming, she’d let me know but asked my permission first. She demonstrated a gentle, caring, empathetic and non-judgmental approach, and an ability to get to the heart of the issues. At times, I would start the call with no clear subject. By the end, though sometimes raw, I felt enlightened. We would get into some very deep stuff.

You’re a good fit for coaching if you are ready to work. If you are not ready to have an open mind and let yourself stop and let go, then you won’t be ready to learn and hear what your being (soul) is telling you.  This is internal work.


The stories I’ve told myself may not be true and do not have to determine what choices I make now and in the future. 

~SR, Lawyer

Before I began coaching, I was newly retired, recovering from surgery, and ending a close relationship. I wasn’t very happy with much in my life and afraid that nothing I could do would make me happier. I assumed that I was incapable of the changes I wanted to make.  Read More

As coaching went on, I came to some big insights. First, I realized that though other people look good on the outside, we are all human. As such, we aren’t always happy, we feel lonely, insecure and dissatisfied occasionally, whether we have a partner or money. Second, I realized that my skills and abilities are useful and worthwhile, and of no less value because I’m not an artist, author or a mover and shaker.  Third, I learned skills to challenge the many negative self-judgements and criticisms that I’ve had.  I now know that the stories that I’ve been telling myself about myself and my life experiences are only stories, may not be true and do not determine what choices I make now and in the future.

I would recommend coaching with Miriam to anyone who wants to make changes to their life, who is willing to make the effort, do the work and challenge their assumptions about themselves and life.

Working with Miriam has been a complete joy although it was sometimes hard. It was clear that she cared and wanted things to be better for me. I felt supported and challenged. She was always gentle, even when she was acting with conviction and speaking strongly. I felt safe. 


My world has opened in a way I could never have imagined.  I have made more progress in the time with Miriam than I ever did in traditional therapy. My life has changed immeasurably for the better, and I will always have a debt of gratitude towards her for the work we have accomplished together.

~MF, Entrepreneur & Property Owner

I came to coaching because another highly successful businessman I knew had great success with his coach. When I began coaching, I was treading water in a job that I loved, a life that was good – but I felt stuck and found it hard to break my patterns. Being busy kept me from looking at my work and life from a broader perspective. 

My greatest challenge was to identify what I wanted and then say No to the tasks and projects that were filling up my day and my life but were not filling up my soul. My greatest strength – being loyal – was also my greatest weakness. I spent my efforts being loyal to others at my own expense and not meeting my own needs. Read More

I made significant progress on getting unstuck from relationships that were not serving me and projects that were consuming all my time. The pattern of indispensability ended and I hired people to take on roles and duties that I believed I could not find anyone else to do.

To help myself before coaching, I read books. But while knowledge is always helpful, sometimes it takes more than just knowing to make changes in life. I’d been to therapy, which was good at unpacking my issues. But coaching was more forward-looking and action-oriented. While coaching dealt with my personality characteristics as part of creating an overall plan, it did not focus on trying to fix them. Rather, coaching put traits into a context (for example, my negative self-talk and my need to please) that allowed me to manage them, and still move forward.

Because of coaching, I have a general feeling of well-being, happiness and of being more present. I freed myself from some of my difficult relationships, hired people to do the work that was in the way of me getting to work on my dream work. More honest with myself and with others, I learned to say No to projects that do not serve me. I developed skills to focus my time on tasks that are critical. But most important of all, I have a dream that I am following, and am working on a path to get there. By moving forward on all aspects of my work and personal life, I have seen significant changes. But mostly I am more hopeful.

Coaching is for anyone who has dreams of something “different” but who has been unable to actualize this for whatever reason. They need to be open to looking at what they think and what they do. We all live with some delusions and we need to be open to unraveling them. We also need to be able to slow down to listen to our internal voice and recognize when it is not serving us.

Miriam is a compassionate and engaging coach. She is 100% present for our meetings, and a true life guide. I have found her to be non-judgmental and very supportive. She believes that answers are within me, and it is her job to let them reveal themselves. This process has revealed so much for me.  I am a better person having seen Miriam. My world has opened in a way I could never have imagined.  I have made more progress in the time with her, than I ever did in traditional therapy. My life has changed immeasurably for the better, and I will always have a debt of gratitude towards her for the work we have accomplished together.


Through this coaching experience, I gained greater clarity on my true desires and I have taken steps to realize them

~BR, HR Manager, Telecommunications 

I started working with Miriam after a period of oscillation and false-starts. I was feeling lost within my life – knowing that there had to be more, but I wasn’t sure how to clarify my true desires and to take steps forward. Though I considered returning to counselling, I wanted to focus my efforts on the future – not the past.  Read More

When Miriam shared what the coaching experience could offer, I was interested in giving it a try. The coaching process was different than anything I had ever done previously. This made me slightly uncomfortable – but not in a negative way.  Miriam helped guide this process through great questioning, and focused action’ plans. Because of this experience, I have gained greater clarity on my true desires in life and taken steps to realize them.

Miriam provided great encouragement, humour and support throughout this journey. 


Miriam has been so fundamentally instrumental in my healing journey from compulsive eating.

Elana Robinson, Health Care Professional

As a result of my deep work and Miriam’s grounded, practical, wise support,  I have freedom, serenity and a much greater ability to access deep joy and intimacy.

She has been an amazing cheerleader and support for me.

Consider reaching out to Miriam if you would like relief, sanity and self-love with the assistance of one of the most vibrant, loving and gifted individuals I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.


I can’t express enough how grateful I am that our paths crossed.

~ Richelle Payer, Healer and Flight Attendant

When I met Miriam, I was in a dark place. I had struggled with body issues my whole life and I was at my breaking point.

The amount of shame and guilt I carried with me magnified into my day-to-day life, and even the simplest tasks felt overwhelming.

Working with Miriam changed my life and I couldn’t imagine where I would be today without her guidance. The space she created was loving, kind and supportive.

I was able to take off my armour, put down the food and slowly let the negative thoughts and perfectionism go.   Read More

At my most vulnerable I felt safe and cared for as she strongly stood for me and my highest potential. She had an incredible gift of working with others and frankly, she just got me! Every time I talked to her she was able to shift my perspective.I left feeling inspired and ready to take action.

Whether she challenged me to sit in reflection and honesty or used her source of wisdom and humour, I couldn’t think of anyone else I would want by my side walking this journey.  


Working with Miriam has been transformational for me.  

-Pennie Hutchison, Writer and Professional Fundraiser

I have been struggling with eating issues and body shame all my life.

Like so many women I know, despite having a successful career and family, I have been plagued with feelings of unworthiness and pour my negativity out on my body, abusing it with food, compulsive exercise, laxatives, etc.

Miriam has given me a safe, loving space in which to work on these deep issues.       Read More

By asking skillful questions, she gets me to reframe my thinking and challenges me to find the real reasons behind my shame.

With her coaching, I have been on an incredible journey where I am learning to know myself better, to let go of the negativity that once haunted me, and to embrace the caring, competent, compassionate woman I am that has so much to give to life.

I can’t recommend Miriam enough to anyone considering her coaching assistance.  

I cannot thank Miriam enough for the support and guidance she provided me for the last year.

-Scott Ferrier,  Certified Personal and Professional Development Coach

Our coaching relationship started when she reached out a hand of encouragement. The partnership that developed has had a profound impact on reaching my goals and on my whole life.

As a coach and mentor she held space for me to grow.  She encouraged me to explore the challenges I faced and set my own path.  Her questions took my thinking deeper and helped me to push myself to new levels. She is an incredibly open and caring person.


I am capable of much more than I thought I was.

-Frances K, Actor

In working with Miriam, I have learned that I am capable of much more than I thought I was and she taught me the importance of recognizing my own achievements.

I have gained more momentum in pursuing my desired career, and learned that taking action by itself, whatever the results, gives me more energy to keep moving forward and creates a positive cycle.


I realized that I do have the courage to make the small changes needed in my life to lead me towards my bigger goals.

– Michelle D, Writer

I began my coaching relationship with Miriam during a difficult transition period in my life. Speaking with her helped me to focus my energy on what was most important to me amongst all of the changes.

Miriam’s support and encouragement helped me regain my confidence and take control again over creating my own happiness, and for that I will always be grateful.


Miriam’s coaching has given me greater perspective and renewed energy to live the best life that I can.

– Adele P, Interior Designer

I would highly recommend coaching with Miriam Linderman. I knew nothing about life coaching before starting with her. Over the last few months she has helped me to gain clarity and focus in many areas of my life.

She is equal parts support, engagement and challenge! Thank you!



The magic has been the realization of inter-connectivity, wherein fulfillment in one area spills over into the next.

– Shawn B, Accountant and Artist

Coaching has developed my awareness of the value of being accountable to self.

I have discovered that I hold a vast reserve of inner resources that are readily accessible to me and toward reaching all of my life goals.


I learned I had the capabilities within me to overcome fears and deal with flawed ideologies.​

– LM, Change Consultant

The coaching I received from Miriam enabled me to build internal strength towards a number of issues I was challenged with.

I found her approach to be very calming and reassuring. She helped identify the saboteur in my thoughts and how it was controlling my life.

One of the most valuable breakthroughs was when I began to celebrate holidays again after the death of a close family member. Furthermore, I learned to bring warmth and cheer back inside of me.

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