The Gentleness Formula

A Step-by-Step System for Leading Powerfully in Work and Life

The Gentleness Formula is a 6-month, transformational one-on-one program.

Tailored to you, I will be using the appropriate modules and tools as we go.  

The program is not incremental; it’s transformational. You will know by the results you get as you do the required work.

It is designed to teach you what you need in order to stand in your strength, confidently being yourself and the authority of your life.

Gentleness is the central approach at every step of the way. It’s the mindset you come from for ease and spaciousness, as you learn.

Gentleness is a conscious attitude and a cornerstone of the methodology that we apply to make your transformation feel manageable, kind, supportive and calm.

It is more effective and structured, and is designed to plant all the seeds of wisdom and action you need to step into your next level.

After a 30-year career as a corporate leader of training, organization development, change management, leadership development and coaching, I decided to move into full-time private consulting and coaching.

As a Certified Coach and graduate of the Coaches Training Institute’s 10-month Co-Active Leadership Program, I have much to share about being the leader of your life, in all areas of your life.

With roots as a certified yoga teacher, holistic health educator, writer, speaker and workshop leader, I bring diverse experience and boundless creativity.

If you have a desire to be your most compelling self, equipped to flourish, I invite you to contact me for a strategy session to discuss what you want for yourself. Click here to connect with me.

Wishing you a gentle day,


The Transformation

The Gentleness Formula is a method to increase your personal power, effectiveness, prosperity and well-being in life and at work, leading from your most natural and authentic self.

At its foundation are the practices of gentleness and a strong connection to your inner wisdom.

The results and changes you can expect:

  • Know and apply what’s most compelling and unique about you
  • Be your most charismatic self, operating at your peak performance — and do it effortlessly
  • Build your confidence and resilience daily
  • Show up boldly on demand
  • Recognize the unique way your soul reveals itself
  • Notice the impact of tolerating the intolerable and losing your soul connection
  • Play with metaphor, intuition and imagination to be creative at will
  • Express your sacred dream
  • Connect to inner guidance and let it lead you forward
  • Chose the thoughts and beliefs that will sustain you and break your old stories and patterns
  • Recover your energy and personal power even when situations or people trigger you
  • Set boundaries without guilt
  • Create alignment and agreements that builds relationships and stops conflicts
  • Lead whether you have legitimate authority or not
  • Choose the most appropriate way and position from which to lead and have influence
  • Lean on simple wisdom for every situation
  • Create impact through your word
  • Clear misunderstandings with ease
  • Decrease self-judgment
  • Become less affected and reactive to the opinions and actions of others
  • Shift the emotional climate of any event or meeting
  • Develop full-permission leadership
  • Ignite creativity and innovation in any situation
  • Build the confidence of people around you with ease

The Program

This is a sample of the content tailored to your specific situation and needs. We may use some, all or other content.

Module 1 – You A Star? Absolutely!


  • How to simplify the path to transformation by clarifying what you want to change and how you want to feel
  • What’s different about you and how that makes you most compelling
  • Why being unique is more critical than being or getting better
  • The foundation for any relationship

Module 2 – Apply Gentleness Liberally


  • How the Gentleness Formula applied every day, during both peaceful and stressful times, builds resilience
  • What makes you come alive at work or in life
  • How to turn the Gentle Boldness Volume UP for showing up at work or life fully

Module 3 – Lost Self, Lost Soul


  • The unique way your soul serves your authentic self and deepest aspirations
  • Your own felt sense, definition and ways of knowing soul
  • How we lose our connection with soul and how to turn that into great learning

Module 4 – The Many Faces of Soul


  • The variety of ways that you love what you love and how to use that
  • The metaphoric realm, intuition and imagination
  • The emotional and energetic field, why it matters and how to shift it
  • How to continue to gather a treasure chest of what you love

Module 5 – Soul Self, Authentic Self


  • The meaning and nature of individuation as a lifelong process
  • What you tolerate – and its impact on you and your soul
  • Your sacred dream
  • How your soul serves your sacred dream
  • How to deepen your connection to your inner guidance and hear it call you forth

Module 6 – Have Your Own Back


  • 5 surprising ways you have power over thoughts to sustain you and bring you the results you desire
  • The 4 key questions that will free your thinking
  • How to dissolve your old stories and find more empowering scenarios

Module 7 – Take Charge of Your Personal Power


  • How to manage situations and people that trigger, drain and cause you to lose energy and personal power 
  • How setting boundaries without guilt will give you and others unexpected freedom
  • The tool of Gentle Alignment and how to use it to build relationship and stop conflict

Module 8 – Lead Your Life. Yes. You.


  • 5 surprising positions from which to lead – and it is not always from the front of the room
  • Why leading is not about having legitimate authority
  • The 1 element that will guarantee the outcome of any event you lead

Module 9 – Use Wisdom That Works In All Situations


  • Simple wisdom to build inner strength, resilience and face situations with ease
  • The power and use of your words
  • How to become immune to the opinions and actions of others
  • One action you can take to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama
  • How to avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret

Module 10 – Lead Even More Boldly!


  • The 3 Levels of Awareness and how to use them
  • What the emotional and energetic fields have to do with successful meetings and events
  • What it means to lead with full permission, responsibility for impact and to stay open to the results and consequences

Module 11 – Strengthen Your Ingenuity


  • How to ignite an innovative mode at will
  • How your natural play personalities release wellbeing, innovation and creativity
  • What you can count on every time you need to shift your energy or those of others
  • Why innovation and creativity start and end from a place of playfulness and fun

Module 12 – Celebrate Your Powerful Gifts


  • The one activity you can do every day to enhance your connections and serve you and others for a lifetime
  • Why it’s vital to encourage, celebrate and champion yourself for ongoing sustainable transformation and self-development
  • How naming and claiming your changes instils confidence and power
  • Where you keep yourself from going further and how to change that

This journey is for you if…

  • You’re committed to freedom – living and leading from integrity, personal strength and power; standing for what you believe without fear; letting go of what doesn’t serve you and keeps you small.
  • You’re willing to step up, be courageous and do the work 
  • You see transformation as the path that will get you where you need to be – sooner and more efficiently.
  • You want to lead from your true self
  • You want to make a difference in your world.

This journey is not for you if…

  • You think that transformation happens all at once
  • You’re not willing to take daily action steps, work hard and stretch yourself
  • You believe that you can only change if your organization or life circumstances change
  • You are not open to stepping into new possibilities  
  • You’re not ready to let go of old stories or you don’t believe that you have a choice
  • You don’t believe that you are worthy of the investment in yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens once I sign up? After you sign our agreement, pay your deposit and accept the best payment plan for you, you will receive a Welcome Package so you can begin right away. We’ll also schedule our first session. You’ll be able schedule the rest of your sessions online within the next 7 days.

How do we meet? Each session is conducted either by phone if you are local or Skype. With Skype, you can opt to use audio only. That’s up to you. You will need to have earphones or ear-buds with a microphone to reduce echo and optimize sound.

How long are the sessions? With the exception of the first session, which is 90 minutes, each session is 60 minutes. We work through the material, and then you begin to apply it to your life – on the spot. Flexibility is key. If we need a little more time, we’ll work together to make it possible. 

How much work is there after the session? After each session, you have light homefun (rather than homework) to integrate what you just learned. You’ll use a session tracker system and work on topic-specific material. It includes easy morning and evening practices and reflections. You determine the time you take and the depth of your reflections. There is no rule. The rule is for you to listen to your inner counsel or inner wisdom, and intuition.

What if I can’t make a session? As long as you give me 48 hours’ notice so I can reschedule, I have no problem with that. Sometimes it might be as little as 24 hours because things happen. 

Do all the sessions have to be at a rate of one per week? If your schedule is demanding and you need flexibility, we’ll talk about it. However, to get maximum results, it is best that no more than 2 weeks lapse between sessions.

Are the sessions in a group? No. These are individual, one-on-one private sessions.

Is there any other support? You get unlimited weekly email support. If you ask for help when you need it, I’ll be there for you.  Write URGENT in the subject line and if I am on technology during the weekend, you will hear from me. 

You can ask for urgent spot coaching as needed. Email me and we will deal with stuff that shows up between sessions quickly and easily. I don’t want you stuck if a brief conversation can get to the heart of the matter.

If you have other questions, let me know.

Click here for a no-pressure conversation about where you’re at, what you’re curious about and what you want for yourself.

I look forward to speaking with you.
