What Love Does

FuschiaToday, I got a love note from a friend.

My heart full, I stood in the stillness of radiant happiness. Suddenly, all was well in my world.

Love is sunlight for the soul.

Love comes in through connection, healing those vulnerable, tender places that show up all too often.

[Tweet “Love comes in through connection, healing those vulnerable tender places that show up too often.”]

As a human being, there will be days when no matter how well things are going in your world, you will not feel great.

Perhaps your business is not bringing in as many clients as you imagined, perhaps you have suffered a rejection as you put your best self forward.

Perhaps people are not responding to you in the way that you need, and you have a spell of feeling less-than.

You may even have spent sleepless moments making up stories about not having or being enough. There. Human.

On those tender days, if you are lucky, someone happens to smile at you in a store line-up. A note comes into your inbox that expresses appreciation. For a moment, you are lifted.

On the days when no one can do enough to get you out of your doubtful places, these are the times when reaching out to someone else can make all the difference.

The love note received is great, yes, and if it does not come, then there’s a way out that will transform your lonely heart.

Simple, Really

Pick up the phone. Send a note. Smile at someone on the street. Tell the person you want love from that you love her.

Reach out. Give your love. Give your attention to someone else.

[Tweet “Reach out. Give your love. Give your attention to someone else. “]

No one feels so full that they can’t use your affection and acknowledgment of what they mean to you.

You come out of our isolation to present your own fragile heart to someone else, and in so doing you are filled with rivers of liquid gold and you are whole once again.

Love heals like nothing else.

Reflections for You

How does your life touch others? Remember to use this practice when you need to self-soothe.

And if it’s really tough and you need a big hand and a big heart to set you on your way, let me know.

In Case This Can Touch Someone Else, Please Share

Click away. And write to me. Vulnerable is really in and makes you beautiful to me.

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  1. Beautifully written, Miriam, and so true.

  2. you are brilliant. and loved. of course.

  3. Thanks for being on my side and such a champion.

  4. Thanks for reading! It means so much to me. Miriam

  5. This is so beautiful and what I needed to read today as I been feeling a little unwell the past few days…..this feels like a little love note to my soul. Thank you xxx

  6. Thanks Lisa. And for your wonderful artwork in my inbox. Creativity is the outcome of full permission living and the antidote to so much that ails us. It’s critical to our souls.XO

  7. What a wonderful reminder, and such great wisdom. Thank you. Just yesterday I was feeling a little lost and unmoored, thinking what now? What’s next? And instead of running around and around on the hamster wheel I went to my favourite coffee shop and really connected with some of the fabulous staff and regulars. It was so lovely to just bask in…them. What you’re saying here works. True fact.
    xo Janine

  8. Sometimes it’s the small actions that make such a difference. And readers like you, who comment. Thanks Janine.

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