If you are lucky enough to age, what’s available is more wisdom, more ways of loving, and years of becoming a mentor and elder in your communities.
Beyond the trappings of power and prestige or hiding behind protective masks is an opportunity to step into a life that is freer, brighter and more expansive than ego enhancement can ever provide.
As your precarious and needy ego takes a background role, the ability to lead your thoughts, your actions, and your life will be in your conscious hands, not on auto-pilot.
A vision and intention like that will give you wings of courage.
With your values to support you, you will access the true self that lives within you.
That becomes the guiding star for what’s possible and most creative.
In early developmental years it is natural to build an ego strong enough to manage through the demands of living.
Eventually your insatiable ego must step aside if you are to find inner peace.
To unshackle the grip of the self-centred ego is a lifelong task.
But unless you want to quake and feel unhinged at the slightest blow to your comfort, it becomes a necessary task of your life.
A heroic task.
Courage comes in many forms.
I have had colleagues call me courageous for telling my story to 400 people.
And I know the courage it takes when I’m vulnerable, admit my foibles, apologize instead of being right, and change habits that hang on like leeches.
Vigilance against the whiny, scorned, misunderstood, hurt, unloved and less matured parts of me is humbling.
You will not lack opportunities for befriending and taming those dragons and for slipping SPANX onto patterns that are no longer appropriate.
The promise of conscious and luscious aging is that we get an opportunity to choose the higher ground of values over ego.
And from there, to move toward creative, purposeful living that emanates from our deepest and most noble selves.
If you take this on, you will sense an inner strength that is grounded, practical and embodied in purpose and service.
You will ride on a winged horse of imagination and possibility, right here on earth, neither flaky nor woo-woo.
And you will use all your talents and wisdom, able to share more love as you depend less on what’s fake and more on what’s real.
Your heroic quest is worthy of attention.
We need wisdom and elders.
Age is not a factor.
Your willing heart is.
Question for You
If your ego could play nicely in the background without its noisy demands, what would be different in your life?
Please comment below.
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