Something Special of Your Own 

We women have big hearts, play many roles, and willingly do a great deal for others.

Sometimes, it’s easy to postpone our own needs or dreams for later.

It can be an idea, a calling, a childhood dream that got delayed through daily living.

Or maybe a current project that you care about, that doesn’t get started or gets abandoned only to leave you wanting to solve the riddle of procrastination.

But it whispers to you and wants your attention, and you don’t feel right leaving it.

It’s something that touches your heart and is hard to ignore.

A longing for something that’s of your creation and meaningful to you.

This may be your time!

No More Waiting

There’s an easy, joyful and meaningful project waiting just for you.

Something that lights up your heart.

Something that matters deeply to you.

Something that you can call your own.

The Tiny Playful Project is for women who want something they can call their own.

Maybe something beyond family, career and other responsibilities.

Or perhaps a new way of adding to what you are already doing.

Something you’ve been dreaming of doing, but you’ve been waiting for the right time.

Like after the children are more independent or gone.

Or when you stop working.

Perhaps you have the time, but you keep stopping yourself from doing it.

Or simply stopping.

Here are two enormously important things to know.

One, the longer you wait to fulfill your dream, the more it feels like a problem that gets insurmountable as time goes by and that drains your energy.

Two, creating something TINY will catapult you into a new way of thinking about yourself and your life.

That’s it!

Simple and EASY!

And the longer you wait, the more impossible it feels.

Like an ache that never goes away.

Sitting on untapped longings and creativity, it’s easy to believe that we can’t or won’t be able to get there.

Or that we’ll never figure out what we want or need.

If we set ourselves aside for too long, we can end up depleted, dispirited and resentful.

Our own storehouse dries up and sometimes unhappiness unexpectedly sets in.

We can feel dependent on other people to give our lives that extra oomph or meaning, but’s not a long-term solution.

Then, those around us sense our discomfort and are unable to help.

This situation is completely unnecessary.

Let’s change it right now!




If You Are Alive, You Are Creative

Creative is not a characteristic reserved for painters, writers, actors, sculptors, film-makers, etc.


You are innately creative, but if you haven’t tested yourself, you may have drawn the wrong conclusion.

What falls under the category of creative covers a broad territory.

Like ideas.

They’re made up.

Spreadsheets require creativity.

Making a meal requires creativity (especially one that’s made from left-overs!).

Designing systems is creative.

Each of us has endless capacity for inventing, problem solving, imagining and making ALL KINDS OF THINGS!

The imagination is endless and can be activated.

You can learn how.

But we want to get from idea to action, and you’ll do it in tiny, tiny steps.

This program is for you to begin creating something that lights you up, simply and easily.

And activating your imagination and thoughts that support you.


A Mini-Playground and Framework for Your Whole Life

There’s a saying that goes like this: How we do one thing is how we do everything.

Said differently, it’s like the title of Jon Kabat-Zinn’s Wherever You Go, There You Are.

The way you think – including your attitudes and beliefs – and how you lead yourself through life, shows up in every aspect of life.

If you tend to worry about one thing, you worry about all things.

How you do one thing is how you dance with relationships, work, health, leisure, and anything else you care about.

By learning how to enjoy and have fun with this one tiny project, it will teach you how to be with whatever shows up and turn it into a great experience for you.

You can prime your mind and actions to work on your behalf.

And you’ll be learning how to move into action.

If you let it, this Tiny Playful Project can be a mini-playground and metaphor for your life.


What If One Tiny Playful Project Could Do This!

  • Optimize and shift the way you think so your thoughts champion you
  • Launch a lifetime’s path of fulfilment and joy
  • Reveal and apply your infinite treasure chest of natural gifts, creativity, inspiration and wisdom
  • Teach you how to have fun, focus and get things done


How The Game is Played 

  • You don’t need to know or choose your project coming into the game
  • Your project must be as small in scope as possible; one of or a part of something bigger
  • It’s for the sake of something greater than yourself; not for your ego but for your heart
  • It will make a difference to others, even one other being
  • You don’t need to think about the future or results; your intention to play will set the tone and get you where you need to be
  • You know you can put love into it
  • You can imagine giving it to someone else
  • It will make you happy just thinking about it
  • And with support from me at every stage!




Dates:       Tuesdays starting April 2, 6, 16, 23, 30, May 7 and May 14

Time:        9am – 11am Pacific / 12pm – 2pm Eastern / 4pm – 6pm UK

Cost:         $297 USD – By March 15/  $325 USD – After March 15

Early bird rate has been extended until April 1st


Scroll down for more information about bonuses and payment at the bottom of this page.


Women Who Typically Play with Me

  • Want some fun and lightness in their lives
  • Are committed to their evolution, development and transformation
  • Want to make a contribution and be of service
  • Take responsibility for their lives and happiness. They may not know how to do that right away, but they are active and willing to put in 100% into their growth.


Examples of Possible Projects

  • A video
  • A scrapbook
  • Poetry
  • A cartoon
  • A letter
  • A recipe
  • Choreography
  • Clothing
  • A sculpture
  • A fairy tale
  • An article or blog
  • A podcast
  • A storyboard
  • A new educational program
  • An audio recording
  • A conversation
  • A town hall meeting
  • An essay
  • One chapter
  • A one-act play
  • A spreadsheet
  • A children’s book
  • Redecorate a room
  • An infographic
  • A collage
  • A painting
  • A plan for anything
  • A retreat
  • A song
  • Oracle cards
  • Handmade postcards to send to people (thank you Lily F. for the idea!)

This program will do more than pile on information.

These insights, tools and practices are yours for the rest of your life!


Why Playful?

When things get too serious, our whole body feels it.

We can get moody.

Maybe it happens to you. (It certainly happens to me.)

But when we lighten up the way we do things and bring playfulness to our projects and life, we become so much more creative and energetic.

And it’s a boost to the nervous system too.

Fun and playful are the ideal conditions for doing anything!

You get to choose what’s right for you – always!

Whether you are writing a letter, organizing a meeting, redesigning a spreadsheet or inventing a new cookie mold, if you can have fun and make a game of it, all the better!

Did you know that the more you can bring play into your life, the more ideas you get?

Stuart Brown, M.D., author of Play, writes that play is an essential biological drive, integral to health.

We’re pushed to grow up and get serious, but then do you notice all the frowning, unhappy people?

We’ve learned the wrong thing!

Play makes us more creative and effective.

Serious makes us stiff and gives us headaches!


Why Tiny?

It’s easy to get our heads around tiny.

Overwhelm and tiny don’t mix.

Tiny is a good, clear boundary for ensuring that your glass doesn’t overflow.

Tiny makes anything manageable and makes it possible for us to be less serious.

With tiny, you can make one whole anything as part of something bigger – or just end it right there.

You can set your timer for 5 minutes.

Or one minute.

You can start with one sit up or three.

Tiny is a way forward.

And finishing gives us the confidence to keep going.


Why a Project?

First, projects have structure, a framework and timeline for your creative idea.

(But we don’t have to get so rigid about it that it gives us a headache.)

A project is bigger than a task.

We are guided by its overall map which moves us in a specific and focused direction.

Otherwise, we could be showing up willy-nilly and often not hanging in long enough to complete what we began.

A project gives form to your ideas and encourages you forward to reach milestones.

Then, you can celebrate and feel the satisfaction of completing each tiny piece of the whole.

We don’t celebrate or acknowledge our accomplishments enough.

Usually we look at what’s still left for us to do and never say thank you to ourselves for what we did do.

That’s a good way to end up feeling that we are not enough.

And that’s a lie.

The Tiny Playful Project will show you how to be your own best cheerleader.

Whether you write a one-act play, make a collage, reorganize cupboards, fill a scrapbook, knit a sweater, doing anything in a playful, fun and small way will teach you everything you need to know to move on.


High Commitment, Low Attachment

What if you could create with a spirit of lightness and possibility?

And what if your main responsibility was your commitment, and then releasing your attachment to the outcome?

When you show up willing to be playful and relaxed about the outcome, the quality of the relationship to your project changes.

When you create this way, it feels easy.

Forcing a specific outcome is a sure way guarantee worry.

Trying to control and manage everything perfectly doesn’t work.

Sometimes, it could stop the whole show!

We can certainly plan and intend for things to go a certain way while we experiment and let go of knowing exactly how it will turn out.

Being intentionally present and relaxed allows for the unexpected to emerge.


The Gifts 

When you set up the right conditions – mindset and structure – possibilities expand.

You’ll learn to create from your unique, instinctive, playful and true self.

And trust your intuition and inner guidance.

You’ll tap into the talents and wisdom you’ve accumulated over time – and I know you have them.

We’ll uncover them together.

Your creative project will come from your heart, not your head, so you will stretch as much or as little as you know is right for you.

You can always trust your pace.

This is a project designed with a spirit of play.

You don’t have to know what you want to do in advance; we can sort through that together.

You don’t have to complete a long project, just a part of it.

Or if you want, you can make it small and finish the whole thing.

We’ll talk about that too.

When you make it tiny, you become light and joyful!

And when any of us are light and joyful, our immediate world feels it.

Have you noticed how happiness spills over to everything and everyone?

Being engaged in something that lights you up can get you wildly excited about your life.

When your intention is to create for the sake of others and put your love into it, you get more energy than you can even imagine.

And whenever you put love into what you do, the world becomes a better place.

When we come from generosity, everything we do becomes so much easier.

You can always do something for someone else that you might not do for yourself.

Your intention to make something for even one other person will elevate the scope of what you believe you are able to create.

Even if you have not considered projects in these broad ways, your Tiny Playful Project can easily stretch you toward a bigger vision.

Simply considering this larger vision and deciding to step towards it will make a big difference in your life.

It will certainly have you step into self-leadership and a sense of your own abilities and authority.

And even the act of sharing something personal with others frees everyone.

Because honesty, vulnerability and showing our humanity gives others the permission to do the same.

Perfectionism is a misunderstanding that kills the spirit.

This program will inspire and teach you how to let go of perfectionism and to love yourself exactly as you are now and respect the creative process.

It’s a wonderful and powerful dance.


By the end of this 8-week program you will:

  • Have completed a tiny project that delights you
  • Create from a spirit of fun and possibility – not taking yourself too seriously
  • Be able to apply what you’ve learned to your life and future work
  • Move past obstacles
  • Create no matter how you feel emotionally
  • Handle and eliminate overwhelm
  • Stimulate your imagination
  • Learn and practice conditions for creativity
  • Understand how thought works – and use it to your advantage
  • Access your natural gifts, wisdom and imagination – and prepare for a lifetime of creativity


What’s Included

Weekly 2-Hour Online Group Coaching Sessions on Zoom

    • Be coached and supported on whatever comes up about the project, the materials, the program and your life
    • These sessions will be recorded and are private for members only

Weekly Micro-Lessons on Project Topics

Support for Selecting and Deciding On Your Project If You Need It

A Private Facebook Group for The Duration of The Program

    • You can ask for feedback from other participants, encourage each other and share your progress
    • I will also be there to support you and whether you participate a little or a lot or not is up to you


Join by March 15 and you can get ahead of the group with an additional 2-hour group coaching session.

It will be held on March 19 at 9 am Pacific / 12 pm – 2 pm Eastern / 4 pm – 6 pm UK!


This workshop was originally designed as a 6-week program. I decided to add an extra 2 weeks so that you have plenty of time for learning and experimenting. I wanted to ensure that you leave with a spring in your step and plenty of practice with your new tool belt.

I’m offering 8 weeks at the original fee.

If you have questions, write to me here.


When:       Tuesdays starting April 2, 6, 16, 23, 30, May 7 and May 14

Time:        9am – 11am Pacific / 12pm – 2pm Eastern / 4pm – 6pm UK

Fee:           $297 USD  before March 15 / $325 USD  after March 15 

Early bird rate has been extended until April 1st


Click here for ONE PAYMENT of $297.00 USD


Be First in Line for the Next Program and Sign Up Below for the Waitlist

If you would like to attend a future program and get on the waitlist, fill out this form and include:

  • What you want to learn most of all from this program
  • City/Country/Time Zone
  • Best WEEK DAYS and HOURS to attend programs

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your message here


    Join Me

    Your tiny playful project is going to be so much fun, so full of heart and so joyful that you’ll be able to continue creating value into the future.

    Being more yourself, you are going to fly!

    With tons of support.

    Something of your own.

    I can hardly wait to see you there!



    P.S. If you know of anyone else who wants to turn on their valve of creativity, action and ease, please forward this invitation to them.


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